Kaanalysis: The Second Encounter

Written by Twan Andersen 🞄 Presented by Taro

After having failed to feast on the man-cub that fateful night, Kaa had retreated to a different tree, having managed to undo the knot in his tail with some difficulty. He hadn't stopped thinking about the succulent boy and their encounter for a single moment, though.
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It should have all been so easy: he would have sung that boy to go to sleep while wrapping him up in his coils, feasted on his slumbering body, and retreated to the upper branches to be wrapped in the coils of sleep himself while his stomach took care of the rest.
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But his pride had been his downfall.
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Looking back on his mistake, Kaa regretted having taunted Bagheera, gloating about the boy's capture. The panther wouldn't have woken up until the next morning, at which point it would have been too late to do anything whether he found out Kaa had eaten the boy or not.
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And Kaa wanted to believe the boy had likely not forgotten about him, either, with his hypnotic rings of colour showing up in his dreams, wishing he was sleeping in his cocoon of coils once more...
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But, sadly, the python was positive he would never cross paths with that delicious man-cub again. He'd likely dream of their encounter once in a while, but eventually forget him. Kaa was sure the man-cub had most certainly reached the man-village by now...
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That is, until he picked up a familiar scent.
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Kaa peaked down from above, confirming that it was indeed that same very man-cub he had been just reminiscing about!
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What luck, he was all alone! And about to sit down at the base of his tree, no less. This was definitely his lucky day!
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The poor thing looked so sad, making the python worry about what could have happened for him to be in such a desolate mood...
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Well, no matter. Soon he will be grinning from ear to ear again.
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Kaa had already been preparing his tail to snatch the man-cub off the ground by wrapping around him in a fell swoop, but seeing him sit down at the base of the tree, he got a much better idea.
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Instead, he curves the tip as he lowers it, intending to capture the man-cub in a different way.
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Knowing the boy is likely too consumed by his sour mood to be aware of his surroundings, he snakes his tail under his thighs.
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Picking him up as soon as he forms a coil, lifting him off the ground effortlessly.
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By the time the man-cub can see he's being pulled up, it's already too late. Mowgli doesn't instantly recognise that strange tendril.
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After all, the first time he had met Kaa had been during the night, when he had been little more than a serpentine shadow. He has no idea of what the snake truly looks like.
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So, he holds onto Kaa's tail for support, wondering just what is happening.
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Kaa takes advantage of that, rotating his tail while he keeps lifting the boy up into the highest branches of the tree, where the thick canopy will shield them both from prying eyes and possible rescuing panthers.
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He's already smacking his lips, only able to imagine how succulent that sweet little man-cub will taste.
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The poor helpless little thing hadn't even realised yet who those coils belonged to. Thank goodness he had caught him in time. Otherwise, a worse predator could have gotten to him first, and Kaa didn't want any of that.
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However, the python reminds himself that this time things will have to be different. Not only does the man-cub know who he is, he is also very likely aware of his abilities... and the effect they had had in him.
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The last thing that had crossed Mowgli's mind was that he would end up meeting with Kaa once more, but there he was, all alone with the python, high above the ground, sitting on his tail, which was starting to encircle his belly.
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After that night, Bagheera had told him all about the python, and how dangerous of a predator he was. Mowgli was now perfectly aware of it, seeing how easily Kaa had captured and isolated him from the rest of the jungle. He immediately tries to escape.
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Meanwhile, Kaa is simply admiring how adorable the man-cub looks trying to free himself, still thinking he has a chance. He can't help but feel like this was fate bringing them back together, to set right what once had been wrong.
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He sees that the boy has learned a thing or two from their last encounter, his first thought being to free himself from his scaly makeshift seat. Oh well, not that it will change the outcome in any way.
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Kaa is always up for a challenge, the cogs turning in his mind as he wonders how he's going to ensnare the boy.
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With him and the man-cub all alone in the safety of his tree, he wants to take his time enjoying playing with his food.
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Just like in their first encounter, Kaa starts by playing coy, always the polite snake, telling Mowgli how nice it is to see him again.
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Thinking about it, while the boy now knows his name, Kaa had never bothered to learn his.
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Not that he needs it, considering where the he is going to end up.
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Kaa can barely contain his predatory glint with how excited he is by that thought.
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Only for his gaze to widen yet again in preparation.
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Kaa pauses when he sees the man-cub pause his escaping attempt and close one eye, likely remembering he has to be wary of his gaze now.
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Only for the boy to push him away once more with a rough jerk that has him wince and recoil.
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He hates how rough the boy can be.
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But he knows he has to focus and keep up appearances.
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So, while allowing the man-cub to free himself from his tail, Kaa circles around him.
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Once again, Mowgli demands for Kaa to go away and leave him alone. But this time, he's so heartbroken that his voice doesn't have that same petulant arrogance in its tone.
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As Mowgli turns away yet again, Kaa gently asks the man-cub to let him have a look.
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He even allows Mowgli to push away the length of tail he had draped over his forearm.
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Kaa had positioned Mowgli in such a way that he was forced to push himself off the coil seat in order to hop off.
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Giving the python the perfect opening to cast his hypnotic spell.
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As Kaa's eyes begin to fill with those rings of colour once more, Mowgli's eyes predictably widen in response.
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Just like in their first encounter, it seemed as if the man-cub was going to stay perfectly still while the python worked his magic...
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However, this time Mowgli knows what happens from looking into Kaa's eyes. So, he forces his own eyes close and recoils in response.
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Kaa is somewhat disappointed at first, but lets his eyes return to normal.
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Few had been able to look into his eyes and live to tell the tale, but the python knew that, after waking up from being put under a trance, his prey would crave the colours for a while.
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While Kaa speaks to the man-cub in a feigned hurt tone to guilt him into opening his eyes, Mowgli confirms that thesis, opening his hands.
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He knows it was thanks to those rings of colour that the python had managed to somehow make him fall asleep while wrapping him up in his coils.
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Seeing them again made him remember just how good it had felt to look at them, like waves of bliss splashing through his whole being. Mowgli feels butterflies in his stomach, his heart racing, his body growing hotter, pleading for just one more look he knows he can't enjoy.
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While he struggles with those conflicting feelings, little is he aware of Kaa's tail sneaking behind him so he can do precisely just that.
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Mowgli is too distracted by his inner struggle to feel those cool scales draping over his head, with Kaa already looking giddy as he prepares a second assault.
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The man-cub's heart freezes as the python's tail tightens around his head, while Kaa tells him to look back at him instead, turning him around. He knows what's about to happen, thinking that just one more look can't hurt...
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And, surely enough, the rings of colour return.
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Seeing the boy freeze yet again, those hands uselessly at the sides of his cheeks, makes Kaa smile proudly.
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Mowgli almost sighs at beholding those endless rings of colour, feling his body relax.
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Wanting to ensure he snatches the boy properly this time, Kaa even adds a couple of black rings, enforcing his will on the man-cub, whose pupils begin to shrink...
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But once again, instinct, stubbornness, something makes Mowgli cover his eyes.
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Kaa wasn't disappointed though. The boy still resisting was everything he could have asked for and more.
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But it was time to employ other methods.
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He can see how irritated the boy is starting to become, and that is no good.
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Mowgli grabs Kaa's tail to free himself from the python's grip, throwing it away.
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Kaa can't help but wonder if the man-cub seriously thinks that pathetic display of strength will do anything.
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Regardless, his tail moves back in the boy's direction, as if having a mind of its own. If the boy thinks he's going anywhere, he's quite wrong.
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As Mowgli declares he knows what Kaa is trying to do, the python wraps his tail tightly around his wrist, giving him a firm tug.
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He is shocked at how strong Kaa is despite his demeanor, able to pull his whole weight back with just a simple move. Mowgli realises he had clearly underestimated the python.
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Just as shocked as Kaa is from hearing the man-cub's words, unable to contain himself from quizzing him out loud.
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With how unafraid Mowgli had been around him, Kaa was certain had Bagheera spared him the details of his true intentions in order not to frighten the child. Turns out he was wrong, the boy was simply that foolishly unafraid, still underestimating him!
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However, he merely chuckles in response, as if the man-cub's accusation had been mere folly.
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Acting as if his own question had been just a slip of the tongue.
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A master in the art of deception, Kaa can change his expressions completely in mere seconds.
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He instantly sighs with pity, putting on the perfect victim act.
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Lamenting that the man-cub doesn't trust him, playing into his guilt.
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Mowgli finds Kaa's expression, along with the mere insinuation, borderline ridiculous, as if he had any reason to trust the python.
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So, he replies with a simple annoyed "no", while trying to free his wrist from the python's grip. Although it was tight, Kaa was being strangely careful enough to not hurt the boy.
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Mowgli manages to free his hand with some effort.
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But Kaa is relentless.
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And this time wraps around Mowgli's ankle.
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Giving him another tug.
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Restraining the boy and preventing him from taking any further steps, but without allowing him to fall and injure himself.
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Mowgli adorably feels more annoyed than distressed by how easily Kaa is able to restrain him.
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And, as he tries to undo his tail from around his ankle, he is intrigued by Kaa's words, who laments that, if Mowgli doesn't trust him, then there is nothing he can do to help him.
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The seeds of mistrust in the boy's heart are starting to sprout, but in a different direction.
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As he frees himself again from Kaa's tail, stepping his foot down, he poses his own question, wanting to confirm that the python had indeed offered to help him.
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He holds onto Kaa's tail firmly so it doesn't try to bind him again. The python admires that idea, futile as it is. He also contemplates how the cogs turn in the boy's mind, how his earlier mistrust directed at him is now shifting in the opposite direction, towards Bagheera.
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The panther had indeed told Mowgli that Kaa had wanted to eat him. But now the man-cub was considering that he had been told that in an attempt to be convinced to leave the jungle.
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Kaa could very well imagine that foolish child thinking he may have been just a friendly snake helping him sleep that fateful night, hypnotising him to go along with Bagheera's words, them being old friends and all. Just providing a cosy place for him to sleep all wrapped up.
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Knowing he can manipulate the man-cub with just words, he can't contain an excited hiss in response, accidentally giving Mowgli a scare that has his heart racing.
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The man-cub drops Kaa's tail with a comically frightened expression, the serpent is simply too good at silent stealth.
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He looks back at Kaa, who is now smiling reassuringly again.
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Remembering what those big yellow eyes can do, he clenches his own shut, crossing his forearms in front of him to reinforce in his own torn mind of what the python can do to render him docile and obedient.
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However, Kaa is sounding so kind and generous that he can't help but remember how sweet the lullaby the python had sung to him that night had sounded, giving him the best, although brief, most relaxed sleep he had ever enjoyed.
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Kaa isn't trying to hypnotise him, though, to the boy's reassurance. Although he is still wary.
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Regardless, Mowgli hardens his resolve in keeping his eyes closed.
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The python admires that futile effort, but he has the perfect bait to lay out, knowing the boy simply won't be able to resist it.
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He declares that he will ensure Mowgli won't ever have to leave the jungle, knowing it's exactly what the boy wants to hear.
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And just like he had expected, Mowgli instantly parts his forearms and looks directly at Kaa, his naivety having him ask the serpent how exactly he can do that, his voice drenched in hope.
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He is aware of how powerful the python is. He figures Kaa can certainly keep him safe up in that tree, wrap him up in his coils for bed time, and ensure no one finds out. Still, the boy craves reassurance, after having been betrayed and abandoned by both Baloo and Bagheera.
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However, Kaa had been lost in thought, after catching himself from admitting that his real answer for that question was that he was going to eat the boy, ensuring he'd remain in the jungle as part of him.
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Just the idea had him daydreaming about it, imagining the boy sliding down his throat, nice and placid, an adorable dopey grin on his happy face.
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The python then recomposed himself before Mowgli suspected a thing.
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He couldn't believe he was about to conquer his prey with just words for the first time.
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Kaa keeps things ambiguous, knowing that the spoiled man-cub would increasingly want to know more.
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He can still sense some concern in him, though.
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So, the python wraps his tail around Mowgli's shoulders and, although the boy is initially wary, he accepts it.
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With how polite and friendly the python had been ever since they had run into each other, and remembering how easily Kaa could choke his neck with that tail of his but didn't, Mowgli starts to think he may have been wrong after all.
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Maybe he can trust Kaa, despite everything.
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Sure, the python may be a bit too overbearing and affectionate with his touch, but it could be just his way of being.
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And Mowgli could use a hug after what he had been through. Maybe even a full-body hug...
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Seeing that the man-cub didn't recoil from his touch this time, Kaa tries to push further.
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He lays out his terms so he can help the boy.
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And declares Mowgli must trust him, leaning their heads so close together that, if he decided to unleash his hypnotic power, the boy wouldn't have a chance to fight.
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With their eyes are almost touching, his cheeks even bulging adorably with the way Kaa's tail his squeezing them, Mowgli becomes aware of his predicament. His eyes widen in response, but, to his almost disappointed surprise, the colours don't come out.
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From his perspective, he can only behold Kaa's wide-eyed gentle smile, of course, not able to see how it wickedly curves at the edges. He really starts to think that he may have been wrong about Kaa all this time.
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Maybe he can trust this strange python, despite his peculiar personality. Just like he had trusted Baloo right away...
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Remembering Baloo had betrayed him, Mowgli then closes his eyes and slips under the python's tail.
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As the man-cub frees himself, Kaa wonders what he could have done wrong, wondering if he shouldn't have just taken the chance and hypnotised the boy.
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He had been almost certain that the man-cub was ready to listen further, ready to surrender his whole self to him, but given the way Mowgli was already starting to walk away, Kaa knew that he would have to act decisively.
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Despite everything, Kaa can't help but pity that heartbroken boy.
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He clearly shouldn't be alone, despite his words, judging by the crestfallen look on his face.
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However, the python doesn't feel bad enough to spare him from his ultimate fate, chasing after him.
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His neck curls into a loop, ready to strike.
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Kaa keeps his head leaned back while saying he doesn't blame the boy, making him sound like he isn't that close, just as he drops the loop over Mowgli's head.
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And squeezes tightly, binding and binding the man-cub in one move. He didn't want things to end like this, but there is nothing he can do about it now.
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At least, he will ensure Mowgli feels nothing but pure, sheer bliss once he's done with him, feeling like he owes the boy at least that.
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Mowgli tries to stay steady as Kaa weighs down on him like a heavy, scaly crown.
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He listens as the python reaffirms he's not like his false friends.
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Of course, starting to get doubts again, unable to see that Kaa is once again playing the victim.
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But his mind isn't ultimately changed, as Kaa tightens his hold on his eyes, blinding him once more.
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Mowgli brings his hands up to push Kaa away from him, but, as usual, the python is much stronger than he gives away.
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He pushes...
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And pushes...
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Initially to no avail.
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Kaa then gives his head one final squeeze, lowering his own in preparation.
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And loosens his hold, to the boy's surprise.
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Mowgli then begins pushing Kaa's coil away, foolishly opening his eyes.
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Only to be confronted with something he had completely forgotten about in that fleeting moment.
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Kaa had been waiting for him all along, the python's eyes wide open and pulsing with rings of colour. He spared the man-cub absolutely no quarry, intending to ensnare him for once and for all.
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Even resorting to those strong dark rings again. The boy's weakened arms kept holding the coil that had been employed as a blindfold, which now also served as a crutch for Kaa's hypnosis, like a weight Mowgli had literally just lifted off himself.
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Once again, the python starts to sing, disarming the boy with his sirenlike voice, but this time he isn't crooning a lullaby for the little man-cub to go to sleep.
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Instead, he sings for the boy to trust in him, holding that same cheery, contagious smile he employed whenever he hypnotised his prey.
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With how strong Kaa's assault is this time, Mowgli's pupils initially dilate.
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Before shrinking to pinpricks as Kaa pulls away his coil in case he needs to bind his arms.
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Not that it will be needed, for the boy's eyes ultimately begin reflecting the colours pulsing from Kaa's eyes.
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At a much faster rate this time.
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The boy falling into a trance with absolutely no resistance on his behalf.
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That talltale 𝙋𝙄𝙉𝙂 ringing in the back of their minds and establishing their hypnotic connection once more.
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Once again, Kaa has won.
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Returning his eyes slowly back to normal, the python extends his tail forward. He's not done yet.
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This time, he's going to ensure he sends the boy into a much deeper trance, one he will hopefully never wake up from.
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Completely in drowned mindless bliss, Mowgli's arms had drooped down uselessly to their sides, his shoulders slouching forward.
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He sees the tip of Kaa's tail beckoning for him.
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And, with a simple nod and an almost smitten expression on his face, Mowgli begins following it.
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He shuts his eyes as commanded, feeling perfectly safe.
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As he half-lumbers, half-marches onward.
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Kaa keeps beckoning the boy to walk along the tree branch despite his closed eyes, watching with a satisfied, contented smile. Not only had he gotten his prey in a more agreeable mood, he had also washed away all that unwanted sadness with his hypnosis.
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His hold on the man-cub's mind is so great that the boy would march all the way off the branch and fall to his death with nay a worry or care.
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But Kaa wants none of that, the tip of his tail already readying itself whle he built slack with the rest of his body in order to lower a loop down.
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And he catches Mowgli just in time, pressing the tip of his tail against the centre of his forehead, holding the boy's whole weight oh so effortlessly.
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If only the man-cub could see himself at that moment, being completely dependant on him... Kaa wondered if that would have changed his attitude, but he didn't eally believe it.
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As Mowgli's leg adorably sways back and forth while hanging off the air, Kaa flexes a length of his body, which undulates and ripples.
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Revealing a fine control over his coils as he shapes his tail into a staircase while pushing Mowgli slightly back so he can resume his slumbering march.
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Thanks to the hypnotic connection both predator and prey share, Mowgli walks down those scaly steps with a perfect form, beyond any trained acrobat, to Kaa's great amusement.
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The python can't help but gush at how those bare soles feel amazing against his cool scales.
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Mowgli just keeps taking step after mindless step downwards.
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Nearing the end of the python's tail without realising it.
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But Kaa is there to catch him, promising Mowgli that, as long as he knows Kaa is around, he will be safe and sound.
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He even begins to form a loop around the boy to reinforce that promise.
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That and it helps to tire the boy, making him walk endlessly without going anywhere.
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Once he's had enough, Kaa begins to incline him forward.
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Closing the loop around the man-cub.
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And having the boy almost defy gravity at one point!
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Mowgli keeps trying to walk even as the scaly floor disappears from under his soles.
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Until Kaa has him slide down on his back.
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With the man-cub falling asleep with a perfectly timed verse commanding him to slip into slumber, his arms hanging uselessly at his sides.
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Having wrapped the tip of his tail around the end of the same branch Mowgli had been walking on, with the man-cub having progressed no distance, Kaa swayed the makeshift hammock the loop of his coils now formed.
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Rocking the sleeping boy while continuing his sinful serenade, ensuring his morsel would never wake up from his slumber.
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He always loved seeing those sleepy smiles on his prey. Almost as much as those hypnotised, dopey grins.
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On their previous encounter, the sensation of falling was what had woken the man-cub up from his trance. This time, Kaa wants to ensure that won't be a risk.
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So, while unwrapping the end of his tail from the tree branch, he begins to slide Mowgli down it.
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The boy's legs stiffen as they hang off the tip, with Kaa flexing the length of his tail
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Only for his back to arch as Kaa suddenly begins pushing.
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And then the sleeping boy is tossed into the air.
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Remaining still and snoozing, even as the python catches him by pressing the tip of his tail against the small of his back.
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Confirming the boy is deeply entranced. Just to be sure, Kaa prepares another launch.
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And throws Mowgli into the air once more, but this time shifting his position.
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Safely catching the man-cub upside-down by pressing the tip of his tail against the centre of his head, with the boy remaining fast asleep with a perfectly balanced form, his whole body rigid as a board.
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Kaa surprised even himself. This is the deepest he has ever taken someone under.
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He sees the man-cub's lips parting, wondering what it could mean.
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Only to catch him snoring.
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He tases Mowgli about it while turning his head upside-down to get a better look at the boy's adorable slumbering face.
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The man-cub's hypnotised mind interprets it as him being naughty, so he apologises sincerely for his supposed misdeed.
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Kaa didn't know the man-cub well enough, but from their brief interaction, he had a feeling his morsel wouldn't be nearly this polite without his influence, a further testament to how powerful his hypnosis could be.
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Not like it was going to make a difference concerning his ultimate fate.
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With victory assured, Kaa relaxes back on the tree branch. His little display of dominance has worn him out quite a bit.
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No one will stop him now, though, he's sure of it.
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No one will get in the way between him and his long-awaited feast!
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Kaa can already taste the man-cub slipping past his jaws and sliding down the hatch.
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But first, he's got to wrap him up for dinner. So, he undulates his tail, sliding Mowgli down the tip.
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With his fine control over his coils and expert manouvering, the boy was at no danger of being dropped.
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That dreamy smile never leaves his lips as he carelessly slides down Kaa's long body.
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Straight into a cocoon Kaa had been arranging to welcome him in.
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The coils engulf Mowgli's body completely at first, tightening upwards so his limp arms can be pinned at their sides.
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Before his head is freed, trapping him from his neck all the way down to his ankles this time.
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The coils then give the sleeping man-cub a firm squeeze, ensuring he won't go anymore.
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Even if Kaa hadn't employed a contest of minds, the sheer difference in strength between his mighty coils and the man-cub's puny body was almost pitying. Mowgli had truly been helpless all along.
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And now, it was time to finish the job. This time for good. Kaa begins to reel the boy back up, so he can sit him back on the branch in preparation for his long-awaited feast.
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However, a tug on his tail prevents Kaa from completely unhinging his jaw, the python gasping loudly in response.
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Only then does he realise how low he had allowed his tail to drop carelessly down to the jungle ground, so distracted he had been by the man-cub.
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A further testament to how special this boy had become to him.
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Nonetheless, he is seething at how, once again, his meal had been interrupted by an unwanted third party. He couldn't believe his rotten luck!
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It was likely that panther, looking for the boy he had been supposed to guard. And now Kaa had to deal with him.
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The idea of deceiving Bagheera while holding his sleeping wrapped-up delicious man-cub in his coils did sound appealing, though.
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Kaa would just hypnotise him into believing the boy had gone off to the man-village and arrived safely. Despite their differences, he wouldn't allow an old friend to live the rest of his life worrying he had failed in his duty.
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Yes, he'd even pretend to be resentful at having lost a meal...
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So, Kaa confirms his presence, loud and clear.
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And then then starts sliding down the tree, hoping to deal with whomever it is quickly so he can return to his delicious man-cub.
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If you enjoyed this, have a look at my catalogue. I have a few stories with snake and naga Kaa, along with other hypnotic tales!
- Twan Andersen
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